Director of Winds and Percussion Department
Syos Music Products Artist
Director of Winds and Percussion Department
Syos Music Products Artist
4120 W Spring Creek Pkwy #B200 Plano, Texas 75024

Zhi-Hui Pang
Tenor Zhihui Pang, originally from China, is currently doing a GAC program in opera at UNT under Dr. Carol Wilson. He was a master’s student of voice and graduate assistant at Indiana Univerisity Jacobs School of Music studying with Deanne Meek and music coach Gary Arvin. He studied journalism and communication at Renmin University of China for his undergraduate program. Since his master’s program, he has performed the roles of Tamino (the Magic Flute), Prunier (La Rondine), Liberto (the Coronation of Poppea), the Governor (Candide). He has performed opera scenes from Faust as Faust and from La fille du regiment as Tonio. He has participated opera chorus of the Magic Flute and Don Giovanni. He participated Lyric Opera Studio Weimar in 2022 Summer and received scholarship. He successfully held his master recital in Feb, 2023, the repertoire of which includes Schumann’s Dichterliebe and songs by Henri Duparc, Roger Quilter, Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti. He was the winner of Verdi Award of 2023 Orpheus Vocal Competition student group. During the summer of 2023, he performed the role of Rinuccio of Gianni Schicchi at Opera Lucca and Don Jose of Carmen at Chicago Summer Opera.
男高音庞稚晖,现于北德州大学音乐学院攻读歌剧艺术家文凭,师从女高音Carol Wilson博士。曾就读于印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院研究生,师从女中音Deanne Meek教授和艺术指导Gary Arvin教授。他曾是印第安纳大学的管理助教,并获得全额奖学金和助教工资。庞稚晖本科毕业于中国人民大学新闻学院传播学系,2022年考入雅各布斯音乐学院。他饰演过的歌剧角色和剧目包括莫扎特《魔笛》中的Tamino、普契尼《燕子》中的Prunier、蒙特威尔第《波佩亚的加冕》中的Liberto,以及伯恩斯坦《坎蒂得》中的Governor。他饰演过的歌剧片段包括,古诺《浮士德》中的Faust,以及多尼采蒂《军中女郎》中的Tonio。他参演过的歌剧合唱包括莫扎特的《魔笛》以及《唐璜》。他参加了“2022年德国魏玛抒情歌剧节”并获得奖学金。2023年2月,庞稚晖成功在印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院举办了个人音乐会,曲目包括整部舒曼《诗人之恋》以及亨利·迪帕克、罗杰·奎尔特、罗西尼、多尼采蒂和贝里尼的艺术歌曲。他曾在2023年美国奥菲欧斯声乐比赛中获得学生组威尔第奖。今年夏天,庞稚晖在“意大利卢卡歌剧节”和“芝加哥暑期歌剧节”中分别饰演了普契尼《贾尼·斯基基》中的Rinuccio和比才《卡门》中的Don Jose。