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Lili Lang

Ms. Lili Lang is an active performer and piano teacher. Ms. Lang holds master degree of Piano Performance at Belarus State Conservatory and Bachelor degree of Piano Performance at Shandong University of Art, where she was recommended for admission without exam for her excellence. Ms. Lang is the member of MTNA AND TMTA,RCM certified piano teacher,2017 Certified piano teacher of China Piano Education, 2018 Peking University Music Education Expert.


She is also the judge of some major competitions including 2018 China-US Young Artist Music Competition, 2020 International Chinese Art Festival and Competition. Ms. Lili’s students have won music competitions and because of which she was also awarded Teaching of Excellence in National Art Festival of China, 2019 Chopin International (CHINA) Competition. In the year of 2015 Ms. Lang funded Bel canto Music School in Shandong, China. 

郎丽丽 五岁开始学习钢琴 2004年保送进入山东艺术学院音乐学 院主修钢琴表演 获得本科学历 2011年以专业考试满分的成绩从白俄罗斯国立音乐学院获得钢琴表演硕士学位 2016 年在国内成立⻉声艺术学校 18年钢琴教学经验 所教学生在国内各大比赛中获金奖 MTNA TMTA 协会会员 加拿大皇家考级认证教师 2017年中国钢琴教育协会签约钢琴家 第一届莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院国际音乐大赛荣获优秀指导教师 2018年获得北大新世纪国际教育研究院音乐教育专家 2018年中美国际⻘少年音乐大赛中国区总决赛评委 2020年国际华人艺术节艺术顾问兼评委委员 “魅力中国 美育筑梦”全国艺术盛典授予优秀指导教师奖 2019年肖邦国际⻘少年钢琴(中国組)公开赛“和谐之音”⻘少年钢琴艺术盛典 授予钢琴教育優秀導師獎 2019年第四届肖邦国际⻘少年钢琴(中国业余组)公开赛荣获中国总决赛钢琴教 育先锋人物。

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